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Monday, 3 February 2014

Class 20 kicked off with 5 children. All children are english speakers except for one boy from Burma who is ESOL. Our first day was mainly getting to know the children and letting them get to know their new environment. Reading, writing and maths were attended to as well as iPad focus time. Three out of the five children had had previous experience with an iPad.

Goal: To establish opening the iPad, selecting the camera and taking a picture.

The learners were shown how to hold the iPad safely and where highly scaffolded as to the steps needed to take a photo. Instructions were clear, concise and very tight. The camera icon was shown so the learners were clear as to which button to press.

We ventured outside and photos were taken of the park and  adjacent bulldozer.
Back in class the photos were streamed on Apple TV and discussed.

We walked the children through the process of sharing and at this point we decided we now needed more icons to display in order to support the sharing process.  This had crossed our minds earlier but we wanted to wait and see exactly how much visual support would be needed.

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